National capitals air quality has evolved into a perennial concern, particularly as the winter months approach, ushering in a growing apprehension over the smog that envelops the capital. This year is no exception, with the deteriorating air quality and GRAP IV imposing, once again dominating the headlines.
However, Delhis toxic air troubles go beyond winter gloom. Winter pollution is driven by weather and local factors like stubble burning, but summer pollution is a far more insidious and complex challenge. Summer sun drives reactions that convert pollutants into ozone, worsened in Delhi by emissions from vehicles, industries, and construction. Delhis geography, urbanization, and emissions from vehicles and industry keep pollution constant, with the city battling health impacts like respiratory issues and heat stress year-round.
The impact of air pollution on childrens health begins even before they are conceived. It starts by impairing the fertility of both men and women. It hinders the development of the foetus. For adult average person living in AQI mostly above 300 and sometimes 500, evidently develops a lung health like that of a smoker.
Cleaner air in Delhi-NCR is possible, but policy challenges remain. While initiatives like GRAP offer temporary relief, they don t provide long-term solutions. A promising approach to tackling Delhis persistent air pollution is the concept of airshed management, which views air pollution as a regional challenge encompassing mitigation of pollution in neighboring states or cities as well.