Alfred, Lord Tennyson personified The Brook as an eternal gift of nature when he wrote “Men May Come And Men May Go, But I Go On For Ever”. Surely this friend of earth was writing this ballad poem in 1886, nearly four decades after the refrigeration technology was invented. No wonder he had no premonition how awry could the picture of the green world go by the turn of 20th century.
Climate has been forever-changing. Modern research has proven that the vedic river of Saraswati dried up in 1800 BCE and there are theories how urban Harappan settlements could also have been uprooted consequently.
Yes, this is true and sane. However, the caveat here is that Homo Sapiens have just catalyzed the process exponentially. Scientists have already said that we are currently undergoing Sixth Mass Extinction and the fact that humans have pushed the earth into this should make ones blood run cold. Chilling, is not it? The most intelligent species on earth, with ample cognitive abilities and processing power has come to bring its own destruction. Say however much we can, it keeps getting darker. It will because our conscience has been shrouded with intemperance.
We, ever evolving beings, have designed intricate polities for centuries. We have governments whom we pay taxes and in turn they provide us services and security. Now, does this mean that government alone is responsible for all the services and security? Obviously, no. We play our part too at an individual level. As simple as this, it is easily deductible from here that when it comes to “our” environment, “we” should be the first to come forward to protect it. Government may either lead us or support us. This is just a call. There is a lot more this entire necessity of growing alongside the nature and not at the cost of it.
More brooks may in fact “Go On For Ever”