Moefcc promotion council of india

Climate Change Blog


To put it to rest, for India, it is the present reality. Indias unequivocal commitment towards achieving renewable energy by 2030 and net zero by 2070 is enough evidence .

In the grand theater of scientific discourse, few topics ignite passion like the debate on climate change. On one side, skeptics argue that the Earths climate is simply playing its age-old game, a fluctuating dance of warmth and coolness driven by natural forces—solar cycles, volcanic eruptions, and the whims of the cosmos. They assert that today’s changes are but fleeting shadows in a much larger narrative, downplaying the role of humanity in this intricate tapestry.

On the opposing stage stands a chorus of scientists wielding compelling evidence that climate change is not just real—it is a clarion call for urgent action. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has illuminated the alarming fact that global temperatures have risen by approximately 1.1 degrees Celsius since the late 19th century, a surge primarily fueled by human-induced greenhouse gas emissions. This is not merely a statistic; it is a harbinger of the upheaval to come.

Indias stance is luculent- Yes, Climate is changing and not for good. Currently, the global average temperature has already risen over 1 degree Celcius since the pre-industrial period. At the current rate, the global average temperature rise is likely to exceed more than 1.5 degrees by 2030, ten years earlier than it was projected by the IPCC AR5 in 2014. Facts replete with examples are well established. Take, for instance, the glaciers of the Himalayas, those majestic sentinels of ice in our country are retreating at an unprecedented rate, threatening the water security of millions. Or consider the unprecedented ferocity of recent hurricanes and wildfires, from the charred landscapes of Australia to the inundated streets of New Orleans, each a testament to a warming world.

MEFCCPC acknowledges the gravity of climate change. It is not merely a debate; it is a rallying cry for humanity. Recognizing this reality is the first step toward forging a sustainable future, where we can protect our planet and ensure its health for generations yet to come.